Middle School
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6th to 9th grade.
The Middle School is an autonomous educational unit within the CEI that contains 6th to 9th grades. It constitutes the instance par excellence of articulation between the second and third cycle of the Basic School, it forms an intense period of learning and experiences that accompany this moment of individual and group growth.
In addition, in the Middle School, the vital processes of puberty, pre-adolescence and adolescence are recovered, and students assume commitments in relation to their growth.
Se utiliza para acceder a conocimientos específicos de las diferentes áreas del conocimiento. Se abordan en inglés las materias de Science, Biology, Human Rights, Geography, Debating, Literature y otras.
Se miden los progresos en el uso de la lengua a través de las acreditaciones internacionales ofrecidas por Cambridge English: Cambridge KEY en 6to grado, PET en 7mo. grado y First Certificate en 9no.
Do not hesitate to contact us

(0985) 444070 / (021) 602462 / 624-621
Avda. Santísimo Sacramento c/ Nuestra Señora del Carmen
(0985) 444070 / (021) 602462 / 624-621
Avda. Santísimo Sacramento c/ Nuestra Señora del Carmen