The activities at the initial level respond to a teaching intention, recognizing the game as a means to explore, share and discover the social environment.

Learning is built from experiences and experiences, in interaction with others and in exploring the environment. 

We value each child according to their learning rhythms and fostering an environment in which they develop more and more autonomously.

The rooms

El jardín maternal abarca las salas de Gan Gani (Kinder 1), Kinder 2 y Kinder 3, es la entrada a la estructura escolar privilegiando el encuentro con el otro. Los objetivos propios de estas salas están relacionados con el desarrollo y características de los niños, el desarrollo del lenguaje, los primeros vínculos de socialización, el juego, el conocimiento del mundo a través de experiencias, son algunos de ellos,  valorando cada logro del crecimiento.

El jardín de infantes comprende Kinder 4 y Kinder 5.
 Through projects and thematic units they develop an approach to the various areas of knowledge. Communication in different languages, scientific experiences, literature, rule games, the use of numbers in game situations, technology as an approach to knowledge are some of the fundamental thematic axes of this level.


Nest is constituted as a bonding space between mothers and babies through games with unstructured elements, songs and words, with the benefit of disconnecting for an hour and a half of obligations, cell phones and demands of daily life, with the opportunity to talk about parenting, successes, doubts and feelings that generate. The State of Israel school, a pioneer in pedagogical innovation, accompanies the growth of a generation of self-confident, innovative and relationship-building kids logical with creativity

Do not hesitate to contact us

Nido Espacio de Encuentro de mamás con bebés (6 a 18 meses)

The kindergarten

The objectives of these rooms are related to the development and characteristics of children, language development, the first links of socialization, play, knowledge of the world through experiences, valuing each achievement of growth.

The kindergarten

Communication in different languages, scientific experiences, literature, rule games, the use of numbers in game situations, technology are some of the fundamental thematic axes of this level. 


(0985) 444070 / (021) 602462 / 624-621


Avda. Santísimo Sacramento c/ Nuestra Señora del Carmen

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