Judaic Studies
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Judaic Studies
The Jewish studies proposal at the CEI aims to transmit Jewish culture, tradition and history. Teaching about the State of Israel and the Hebrew language is part of the school's identity.
The philosophy of Judaic studies in the institution is humanist and has as its axis the transmission of values. The values are put into practice in engaging programs that enrich the educational experience. Concepts such as "Tikun Olam" (man's responsibility to achieve a world of peace, solidarity and respect), listening (recognizing the other in his own essence, learning to be patient and dialogue), Tzedaká (helping the disadvantaged considered as an ethical and moral obligation), the search for knowledge, (access to knowledge as a constant search for strategies to face the challenges that arise) are worked on daily.
Students entering from other institutions participate in a leveling course in Hebrew until they reach the expected level.
Do not hesitate to contact us
(0985) 444070 / (021) 602462 / 624-621
Avda. Santísimo Sacramento c/ Nuestra Señora del Carmen